Project Time is software I developed as a demonstration of the kind of work that I do. It is still early in development and while I use it quite it bit, I wouldn’t recommend that you rely on it.
Project Time is both a time tracking, time planning and project time estimate tool. Like some of the projects that I’ve worked on in the past, it is based on existing spreadsheets and documents and is designed to take a bunch of disconnected bits of information and bring it into a single structured application and then enhance it by adding more sophisticated calculations.
Project Time will be a free to use ad-supported tool. To use the tool, you will need to create an account. If you are concerned about the information that the application collects about you, you can read the Project Time Privacy Policy (basically: all the information you enter is stored on a US based hosting service and none of the information is sent anywhere else or sold to anyone else. The system will send you emails to setup your account, so the mail servers will process your that content).
The initial release will be the web version. Then there will be an iOS and Android release. Following that, there will be a paid subscription option that will allow people to work in teams.
As of today, the application has no ads and it will allow you setup projects and log time.